Source code for pyuoi.linear_model.base

import abc as _abc
import numpy as np
import logging
from sklearn.linear_model._base import SparseCoefMixin
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score, accuracy_score, log_loss
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.utils import check_X_y
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

from scipy.sparse import issparse, csr_matrix

from pyuoi import utils
from pyuoi.mpi_utils import (Gatherv_rows, Bcast_from_root)

from .utils import stability_selection_to_threshold, intersection
from ..utils import check_logger

[docs]class AbstractUoILinearModel(SparseCoefMixin, metaclass=_abc.ABCMeta): r"""An abstract base class for UoI ``linear_model`` classes. Parameters ---------- n_boots_sel : int The number of data bootstraps to use in the selection module. Increasing this number will make selection more strict. n_boots_est : int The number of data bootstraps to use in the estimation module. Increasing this number will relax selection and decrease variance. selection_frac : float The fraction of the dataset to use for training in each resampled bootstrap, during the selection module. Small values of this parameter imply larger "perturbations" to the dataset. estimation_frac : float The fraction of the dataset to use for training in each resampled bootstrap, during the estimation module. The remaining data is used to obtain validation scores. Small values of this parameters imply larger "perturbations" to the dataset. stability_selection : int, float, or array-like If int, treated as the number of bootstraps that a feature must appear in to guarantee placement in selection profile. If float, must be between 0 and 1, and is instead the proportion of bootstraps. If array-like, must consist of either ints or floats between 0 and 1. In this case, each entry in the array-like object will act as a separate threshold for placement in the selection profile. fit_intercept : bool Whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set to False, no intercept will be used in calculations (e.g. data is expected to be already centered). standardize : bool If True, the regressors X will be standardized before regression by subtracting the mean and dividing by their standard deviations. shared_support : bool For models with more than one output (multinomial logistic regression) this determines whether all outputs share the same support or can have independent supports. max_iter : int Maximum number of iterations for iterative fitting methods. random_state : int, RandomState instance, or None The seed of the pseudo random number generator that selects a random feature to update. If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator; If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by ``np.random``. comm : MPI communicator If passed, the selection and estimation steps are parallelized. logger : Logger The logger to use for messages when ``verbose=True`` in ``fit``. If *None* is passed, a logger that writes to ``sys.stdout`` will be used. Attributes ---------- coef_ : array, shape (n_features,) or (n_targets, n_features) Estimated coefficients for the linear regression problem. intercept_ : float Independent term in the linear model. supports_ : array, shape Boolean array indicating whether a given regressor (column) is selected for estimation for a given regularization parameter value (row). """ def __init__(self, n_boots_sel=24, n_boots_est=24, selection_frac=0.9, estimation_frac=0.9, stability_selection=1., fit_intercept=True, standardize=True, shared_support=True, max_iter=None, random_state=None, comm=None, logger=None): # data split fractions self.selection_frac = selection_frac self.estimation_frac = estimation_frac # number of bootstraps self.n_boots_sel = n_boots_sel self.n_boots_est = n_boots_est # other hyperparameters self.stability_selection = stability_selection self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept self.standardize = standardize self.shared_support = shared_support self.max_iter = max_iter self.comm = comm # preprocessing if isinstance(random_state, int): # make sure ranks use different seed if self.comm is not None: random_state += self.comm.rank self.random_state = np.random.RandomState(random_state) else: if random_state is None: self.random_state = np.random else: self.random_state = random_state # extract selection thresholds from user provided stability selection self.selection_thresholds_ = stability_selection_to_threshold( self.stability_selection, self.n_boots_sel) self.n_supports_ = None self._logger = check_logger(logger, 'uoi_linear_model', self.comm) @_abc.abstractproperty def estimation_score(self): pass @_abc.abstractmethod def get_reg_params(self): pass @_abc.abstractstaticmethod def _score_predictions(self, metric, fitter, X, y, supports, boot_idxs): pass
[docs] @_abc.abstractmethod def intersect(self, coef, thresholds): """Intersect coefficients across all thresholds.""" pass
def _pre_fit(self, X, y): """Perform class-specific setup for fit().""" if self.standardize: if self.fit_intercept and issparse(X): msg = ("Cannot center sparse matrices: " "pass `fit_intercept=False`") raise ValueError(msg) self._X_scaler = StandardScaler(with_mean=self.fit_intercept) X = self._X_scaler.fit_transform(X) if y.ndim == 2: self.output_dim = y.shape[1] else: self.output_dim = 1 return X, y def _post_fit(self, X, y): """Perform class-specific cleanup for fit().""" if self.standardize: sX = self._X_scaler self.coef_ /= sX.scale_[np.newaxis] @_abc.abstractmethod def _fit_intercept(self, X, y): """Fit a model with an intercept and fixed coefficients. This is used to re-fit the intercept after the coefficients are estimated. """ pass @_abc.abstractmethod def _fit_intercept_no_features(self, y): """Fit a model with only an intercept. This is used in cases where the model has no support selected. """ pass
[docs] def fit(self, X, y, stratify=None, verbose=False): """Fit data according to the UoI algorithm. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray or scipy.sparse matrix, (n_samples, n_features) The design matrix. y : ndarray, shape (n_samples,) Response vector. Will be cast to X's dtype if necessary. Currently, this implementation does not handle multiple response variables. stratify : array-like or None Ensures groups of samples are alloted to training/test sets proportionally. Labels for each group must be an int greater than zero. Must be of size equal to the number of samples, with further restrictions on the number of groups. verbose : bool A switch indicating whether the fitting should print out messages displaying progress. """ if verbose: self._logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: self._logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) X, y = self._pre_fit(X, y) X, y = check_X_y(X, y, accept_sparse=['csr', 'csc', 'coo'], y_numeric=True, multi_output=True) # extract model dimensions n_features = X.shape[1] n_coef = self.get_n_coef(X, y) # check if the response variable is constant if np.unique(y).size == 1: self.coef_ = np.zeros((self.output_dim, n_features)) self._fit_intercept(X, y) self._post_fit(X, y) return self #################### # Selection Module # #################### # choose the regularization parameters for selection sweep self.reg_params_ = self.get_reg_params(X, y) self.n_reg_params_ = len(self.reg_params_) rank = 0 size = 1 if self.comm is not None: rank = self.comm.rank size = self.comm.size # initialize selection if size > self.n_boots_sel: tasks = np.array_split(np.arange(self.n_boots_sel * self.n_reg_params_), size)[rank] selection_coefs = np.empty((tasks.size, n_coef)) my_boots = dict((task_idx // self.n_reg_params_, None) for task_idx in tasks) else: # split up bootstraps into processes tasks = np.array_split(np.arange(self.n_boots_sel), size)[rank] selection_coefs = np.empty((tasks.size, self.n_reg_params_, n_coef)) my_boots = dict((task_idx, None) for task_idx in tasks) for boot in range(self.n_boots_sel): if size > 1: if rank == 0: rvals = train_test_split(np.arange(X.shape[0]), test_size=1 - self.selection_frac, stratify=stratify, random_state=self.random_state) else: rvals = [None] * 2 rvals = [Bcast_from_root(rval, self.comm, root=0) for rval in rvals] if boot in my_boots.keys(): my_boots[boot] = rvals else: my_boots[boot] = train_test_split( np.arange(X.shape[0]), test_size=1 - self.selection_frac, stratify=stratify, random_state=self.random_state) # iterate over bootstraps curr_boot_idx = None for ii, task_idx in enumerate(tasks): if size > self.n_boots_sel: boot_idx = task_idx // self.n_reg_params_ reg_idx = task_idx % self.n_reg_params_ my_reg_params = [self.reg_params_[reg_idx]] else: boot_idx = task_idx my_reg_params = self.reg_params_ # Never warm start across bootstraps if (curr_boot_idx != boot_idx): if hasattr(self._selection_lm, 'coef_'): self._selection_lm.coef_ *= 0. if hasattr(self._selection_lm, 'intercept_'): self._selection_lm.intercept_ *= 0. curr_boot_idx = boot_idx # draw a resampled bootstrap idxs_train, idxs_test = my_boots[boot_idx] X_rep = X[idxs_train] y_rep = y[idxs_train] # fit the coefficients if size > self.n_boots_sel: msg = ("selection bootstrap %d, " "regularization parameter set %d" % (boot_idx, reg_idx)) else:"selection bootstrap %d" % (boot_idx)) selection_coefs[ii] = np.squeeze( self.uoi_selection_sweep(X_rep, y_rep, my_reg_params)) # if distributed, gather selection coefficients to 0, # perform intersection, and broadcast results if size > 1: selection_coefs = Gatherv_rows(selection_coefs, self.comm, root=0) if rank == 0: if size > self.n_boots_sel: selection_coefs = selection_coefs.reshape( self.n_boots_sel, self.n_reg_params_, n_coef) supports = self.intersect( selection_coefs, self.selection_thresholds_).astype(int) else: supports = None supports = Bcast_from_root(supports, self.comm, root=0) self.supports_ = supports.astype(bool) else: self.supports_ = self.intersect(selection_coefs, self.selection_thresholds_) self.n_supports_ = self.supports_.shape[0] if rank == 0:"Found %d supports" % self.n_supports_) ##################### # Estimation Module # ##################### # set up data arrays tasks = np.array_split(np.arange(self.n_boots_est * self.n_supports_), size)[rank] my_boots = dict((task_idx // self.n_supports_, None) for task_idx in tasks) estimates = np.zeros((tasks.size, n_coef)) for boot in range(self.n_boots_est): if size > 1: if rank == 0: rvals = train_test_split(np.arange(X.shape[0]), test_size=1 - self.estimation_frac, stratify=stratify, random_state=self.random_state) else: rvals = [None] * 2 rvals = [Bcast_from_root(rval, self.comm, root=0) for rval in rvals] if boot in my_boots.keys(): my_boots[boot] = rvals else: my_boots[boot] = train_test_split( np.arange(X.shape[0]), test_size=1 - self.estimation_frac, stratify=stratify, random_state=self.random_state) # score (r2/AIC/AICc/BIC) for each bootstrap for each support scores = np.zeros(tasks.size) # iterate over bootstrap samples and supports for ii, task_idx in enumerate(tasks): boot_idx = task_idx // self.n_supports_ support_idx = task_idx % self.n_supports_ support = self.supports_[support_idx] # draw a resampled bootstrap idxs_train, idxs_test = my_boots[boot_idx] X_rep = X[idxs_train] y_rep = y[idxs_train]"estimation bootstrap %d, support %d" % (boot_idx, support_idx)) if np.any(support): # compute the estimate and store the fitted coefficients if self.shared_support:[:, support], y_rep) estimates[ii, np.tile(support, self.output_dim)] = \ self._estimation_lm.coef_.ravel() else:, y_rep, coef_mask=support) estimates[ii] = self._estimation_lm.coef_.ravel() scores[ii] = self._score_predictions( metric=self.estimation_score, fitter=self._estimation_lm, X=X, y=y, support=support, boot_idxs=my_boots[boot_idx]) else: fitter = self._fit_intercept_no_features(y_rep) if issparse(X): X_ = csr_matrix(X.shape, dtype=X.dtype) else: X_ = np.zeros_like(X) scores[ii] = self._score_predictions( metric=self.estimation_score, fitter=fitter, X=X_, y=y, support=np.zeros(X.shape[1], dtype=bool), boot_idxs=my_boots[boot_idx]) if size > 1: estimates = Gatherv_rows(send=estimates, comm=self.comm, root=0) scores = Gatherv_rows(send=scores, comm=self.comm, root=0) self.rp_max_idx_ = None best_estimates = None coef = None self.intercept_ = None if rank == 0: estimates = estimates.reshape(self.n_boots_est, self.n_supports_, n_coef) scores = scores.reshape(self.n_boots_est, self.n_supports_) self.rp_max_idx_ = np.argmax(scores, axis=1) best_estimates = estimates[np.arange(self.n_boots_est), self.rp_max_idx_] # take the median across estimates for the final estimate coef = np.median(best_estimates, axis=0).reshape(self.output_dim, n_features) self.coef_ = coef self._fit_intercept(X, y) self.estimates_ = Bcast_from_root(estimates, self.comm, root=0) self.scores_ = Bcast_from_root(scores, self.comm, root=0) self.coef_ = Bcast_from_root(coef, self.comm, root=0) self.intercept_ = Bcast_from_root(self.intercept_, self.comm, root=0) self.rp_max_idx_ = self.comm.bcast(self.rp_max_idx_, root=0) else: self.estimates_ = estimates.reshape(self.n_boots_est, self.n_supports_, n_coef) self.scores_ = scores.reshape(self.n_boots_est, self.n_supports_) self.rp_max_idx_ = np.argmax(self.scores_, axis=1) # extract the estimates over bootstraps from model with best # regularization parameter value best_estimates = self.estimates_[np.arange(self.n_boots_est), self.rp_max_idx_, :] # take the median across estimates for the final, bagged estimate self.coef_ = np.median(best_estimates, axis=0).reshape(self.output_dim, n_features) self._fit_intercept(X, y) self._post_fit(X, y) return self
[docs] def uoi_selection_sweep(self, X, y, reg_param_values): """Perform selection regression on a dataset over a sweep of regularization parameter values. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray or scipy.sparse matrix, shape (n_samples, n_features) The design matrix. y : ndarray, shape (n_samples,) Response vector. reg_param_values: list of dicts A list of dictionaries containing the regularization parameter values to iterate over. Returns ------- coefs : ndarray, shape (n_param_values, n_features) Predicted parameter values for each regularization strength. """ n_param_values = len(reg_param_values) n_coef = self.get_n_coef(X, y) coefs = np.zeros((n_param_values, n_coef)) # apply the selection regression to bootstrapped datasets for reg_param_idx, reg_params in enumerate(reg_param_values): # reset the regularization parameter self._selection_lm.set_params(**reg_params) # rerun fit, y) # store coefficients coefs[reg_param_idx] = self._selection_lm.coef_.ravel() return coefs
[docs] def get_n_coef(self, X, y): """Return the number of coefficients that will be estimated This should return the shape of X. """ return X.shape[1] * self.output_dim
[docs]class AbstractUoILinearRegressor(AbstractUoILinearModel, metaclass=_abc.ABCMeta): """An abstract base class for UoI linear regression classes.""" _valid_estimation_metrics = ('r2', 'AIC', 'AICc', 'BIC') _train_test_map = {'train': 0, 'test': 1} _default_est_targets = {'r2': 1, 'AIC': 0, 'AICc': 0, 'BIC': 0} def __init__(self, n_boots_sel=24, n_boots_est=24, selection_frac=0.9, estimation_frac=0.9, stability_selection=1., estimation_score='r2', estimation_target=None, copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, standardize=True, random_state=None, max_iter=None, comm=None, logger=None): super(AbstractUoILinearRegressor, self).__init__( n_boots_sel=n_boots_sel, n_boots_est=n_boots_est, selection_frac=selection_frac, estimation_frac=estimation_frac, stability_selection=stability_selection, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, standardize=standardize, max_iter=max_iter, random_state=random_state, comm=comm, logger=logger) if estimation_score not in self._valid_estimation_metrics: raise ValueError( "invalid estimation metric: '%s'" % estimation_score) self.__estimation_score = estimation_score if estimation_target is not None: if estimation_target not in ['train', 'test']: raise ValueError( "invalid estimation target: %s" % estimation_target) else: estimation_target = self._train_test_map[estimation_target] else: estimation_target = self._default_est_targets[estimation_score] self._estimation_target = estimation_target def _pre_fit(self, X, y): X, y = super()._pre_fit(X, y) if y.ndim == 1: y = y[:, np.newaxis] elif y.ndim == 2: if y.shape[1] > 1: raise ValueError('y should either have shape ' + '(n_samples, ) or (n_samples, 1).') else: raise ValueError('y should either have shape ' + '(n_samples, ) or (n_samples, 1).') if self.standardize: self._y_scaler = StandardScaler(with_mean=self.fit_intercept) y = self._y_scaler.fit_transform(y) y = np.squeeze(y) self.output_dim = 1 return X, y def _post_fit(self, X, y): super()._post_fit(X, y) if self.standardize: sX = self._X_scaler sy = self._y_scaler self.coef_ *= sy.scale_[:, np.newaxis] if self.fit_intercept: self.intercept_ *= sy.scale_ self.intercept_ += sy.mean_ -, self.coef_.T) self.coef_ = np.squeeze(self.coef_)
[docs] def intersect(self, coef, thresholds): """Intersect coefficients accross all thresholds.""" return intersection(coef, thresholds)
@property def estimation_score(self): return self.__estimation_score def _score_predictions(self, metric, fitter, X, y, support, boot_idxs): """Score, according to some metric, predictions provided by a model. The resulting score will be negated if an information criterion is specified. Parameters ---------- metric : string The type of score to run on the prediction. Valid options include 'r2' (explained variance), 'BIC' (Bayesian information criterion), 'AIC' (Akaike information criterion), and 'AICc' (corrected AIC). fitter : object Must contain .predict and .predict_proba methods. X : array-like The design matrix. y : array-like Response vector. supports : array-like The value of the supports for the model boot_idxs : 2-tuple of array-like objects Tuple of (train_idxs, test_idxs) generated from a bootstrap sample. If this is specified, then the appropriate set of data will be used for evaluating scores: test data for r^2, and training data for information criteria Returns ------- score : float The score. """ # Select the data relevant for the estimation_score X = X[boot_idxs[self._estimation_target]] y = y[boot_idxs[self._estimation_target]] if y.ndim == 2: if y.shape[1] > 1: raise ValueError('y should either have shape ' + '(n_samples, ) or (n_samples, 1).') y = np.squeeze(y) elif y.ndim > 2: raise ValueError('y should either have shape ' + '(n_samples, ) or (n_samples, 1).') y_pred = fitter.predict(X[:, support]) if y.shape != y_pred.shape: raise ValueError('Targets and predictions are not the same shape.') if metric == 'r2': score = r2_score(y, y_pred) else: ll = utils.log_likelihood_glm(model='normal', y_true=y, y_pred=y_pred) n_features = np.count_nonzero(support) n_samples = X.shape[0] if metric == 'BIC': score = utils.BIC(ll, n_features, n_samples) elif metric == 'AIC': score = utils.AIC(ll, n_features) elif metric == 'AICc': score = utils.AICc(ll, n_features, n_samples) else: raise ValueError(metric + ' is not a valid option.') # negate the score since lower information criterion is preferable score = -score return score def _fit_intercept_no_features(self, y): """Fit a model with only an intercept. This is used in cases where the model has no support selected. """ return LinearInterceptFitterNoFeatures(y) def _fit_intercept(self, X, y): """Fit the intercept.""" if self.fit_intercept: self.intercept_ = (y.mean(axis=0) -, self.coef_.T)) else: self.intercept_ = np.zeros(1)
class LinearInterceptFitterNoFeatures(object): def __init__(self, y): self.intercept_ = y.mean() def predict(self, X): n_samples = X.shape[0] return np.tile(self.intercept_, n_samples)
[docs]class AbstractUoIGeneralizedLinearRegressor(AbstractUoILinearModel, metaclass=_abc.ABCMeta): """An abstract base class for UoI linear classifier classes.""" _valid_estimation_metrics = ('log', 'BIC', 'AIC', 'AICc', 'acc') _train_test_map = {'train': 0, 'test': 1} _default_est_targets = {'log': 1, 'AIC': 0, 'AICc': 0, 'BIC': 0, 'acc': 1} def __init__(self, n_boots_sel=24, n_boots_est=24, selection_frac=0.9, estimation_frac=0.9, stability_selection=1., estimation_score='acc', estimation_target=None, copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, standardize=True, random_state=None, max_iter=None, shared_support=True, comm=None, logger=None): super(AbstractUoIGeneralizedLinearRegressor, self).__init__( n_boots_sel=n_boots_sel, n_boots_est=n_boots_est, selection_frac=selection_frac, estimation_frac=estimation_frac, stability_selection=stability_selection, random_state=random_state, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, standardize=standardize, shared_support=shared_support, max_iter=max_iter, comm=comm, logger=logger) if estimation_score not in self._valid_estimation_metrics: raise ValueError( "invalid estimation metric: '%s'" % estimation_score) self.__estimation_score = estimation_score if estimation_target is not None: if estimation_target not in ['train', 'test']: raise ValueError( "invalid estimation target: %s" % estimation_target) else: estimation_target = self._train_test_map[estimation_target] else: estimation_target = self._default_est_targets[estimation_score] self._estimation_target = estimation_target def _post_fit(self, X, y): super()._post_fit(X, y) if self.standardize and self.fit_intercept: sX = self._X_scaler self.intercept_ += * sX.scale_, self.coef_.T)
[docs] def intersect(self, coef, thresholds): """Intersect coefficients accross all thresholds. This implementation will account for multi-class classification. """ supports = intersection(coef, thresholds) if self.output_dim > 1 and self.shared_support: n_features = supports.shape[-1] // self.output_dim supports = supports.reshape((-1, self.output_dim, n_features)) supports = np.sum(supports, axis=-2).astype(bool) supports = np.unique(supports, axis=0) return supports
@property def estimation_score(self): return self.__estimation_score def _score_predictions(self, metric, fitter, X, y, support, boot_idxs): """Score, according to some metric, predictions provided by a model. The resulting score will be negated if an information criterion is specified. Parameters ---------- metric : string The type of score to run on the prediction. Valid options include 'r2' (explained variance), 'BIC' (Bayesian information criterion), 'AIC' (Akaike information criterion), and 'AICc' (corrected AIC). fitter : object Must contain .predict and .predict_proba methods. X : array-like The design matrix. y : array-like Response vector. supports : array-like The value of the supports for the model boot_idxs : 2-tuple of array-like objects Tuple of (train_idxs, test_idxs) generated from a bootstrap sample. If this is specified, then the appropriate set of data will be used for evaluating scores: test data for r^2, and training data for information criteria Returns ------- score : float The score. """ # Select the data relevant for the estimation_score X = X[boot_idxs[self._estimation_target]] y = y[boot_idxs[self._estimation_target]] if metric == 'acc': if self.shared_support: y_pred = fitter.predict(X[:, support]) else: y_pred = fitter.predict(X) score = accuracy_score(y, y_pred) else: if self.shared_support: y_pred = fitter.predict_proba(X[:, support]) else: y_pred = fitter.predict_proba(X) ll = -log_loss(y, y_pred, labels=self.classes_) if metric == 'log': score = ll else: n_features = np.count_nonzero(support) n_samples = X.shape[0] if metric == 'BIC': score = utils.BIC(n_samples * ll, n_features, n_samples) elif metric == 'AIC': score = utils.AIC(n_samples * ll, n_features) elif metric == 'AICc': score = utils.AICc(n_samples * ll, n_features, n_samples) else: raise ValueError(metric + ' is not a valid metric.') # negate the score since lower information criterion is # preferable score = -score return score